Can workplace gossip really build cooperation and trust? Find out what the new study says!


  • Can workplace gossip strengthen cooperation and the trust ?
  • Find out what the news says study !

Gossip at work is often seen as disruptive and a source of tension. However, a new study challenges this view by suggesting that gossip may actually increase cooperation and trust in the workplace. Let’s discover together the results of this research which explores the nuances and implications of chatter within work teams.

Gossip at work, an unsuspected tool of cooperation

Whether through private messages or around the coffee machine, gossip at work manifest themselves in various ways. While these discussions may sometimes seem harmless, there is evidence that gossip can have a positive impact.

The positive effects of gossip

Studies show that positive gossip can increase employee engagement, reduce turnover rates and increase a sense of belonging. A recent study indicates that they can also improve cooperation between colleagues.

Positive gossip helps:

  • Strengthen employee engagement
  • Reduce turnover rates
  • Increase the feeling of belonging
  • Improve cooperation within teams

How gossip influences behavior

People tend to trust information conveyed through gossip more than their own observations. This accredits the observed behaviors and can promote better understanding.

For example, if a colleague is known for his organization or project management skills, this may direct others to call on him for specific tasks. The information conveyed by gossip thus becomes clues to identify the strengths and weaknesses of colleagues.

The dangers of negative gossip

However, all is not rosy in the world of gossip at work. Negative gossip can create a toxic atmosphere, where employees feel unmotivated, disengaged and less productive. According to some studies, a toxic culture can reduce productivity by 20%.

Strategies to avoid abuse:

  • Promote Gratitude and Appreciation
  • Avoid discussions that can harm someone’s reputation
  • Encourage kindness and positive behaviors

Maintain a positive work environment

To maintain a positive working atmosphere, it is essential to cultivate kindness. Offering help, sending thank you messages or simply taking a moment to chat over coffee are gestures that strengthen bonds.

To learn more about how workplace behaviors influence team dynamics, check out this article.

Effect of positive gossip Effect of Negative Gossip
Strengthens commitment Reduces motivation
Increases the feeling of belonging Creates a toxic atmosphere
Improves cooperation Decreases productivity
Promotes collaboration Generate conflicts
Strengthens social bonds Cause of tensions


Can positive gossip really improve cooperation?

Yes, studies show that positive gossip can increase feelings of belonging and commitment, which improves cooperation.

It is recommended to refrain from participating in these discussions and to promote positive behaviors and gratitude.

Absolutely, people tend to rely more on gossip than direct observation, which can influence team dynamics.

Foster gratitude and appreciation, offer help, write thank-you emails, and create moments of positive social interaction. These actions help build strong interpersonal relationships.

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